Together Utahns can end our overdose crisis
The reality behind Utah's addiction
Do your part to stop the opidemic
Steer clear of opioids
According to the CDC, there are safer approaches that may be more effective for pain management. Ask your doctor about the alternatives.
Never share pain killers
By sharing your prescription, you may think you are helping, but you could be leading someone down a dangerous path. Besides, sharing prescriptions is illegal.
Reach out
Addiction is a disease that needs treatment. Talk to your kids about the dangers. Talk to friends who may be struggling. Talk to a loved one if YOU need help.
Avoid taking more
Opioids aren’t like antibiotics. You do not need to finish your prescription. As soon as you don't need them, stop, or you could be at risk of dependency, addiction, or overdose.
Get rid of unused meds
Don’t keep leftover pills you don’t need. Dispose of them properly at a secure drop box location in your area. Find one near you at
Carry naloxone
If you or someone you know is taking opioids, their life is at risk. Keep naloxone close and know the signs of an overdose.